Design for Debate - a Nordic Model Future

The Nordic model is an inspiring governmental structure to many countries. It provides their country’s inhabitants with all elements for a happy and healthy future.
Like all avant-garde systems it rises questions; then w
hat are a person’s basic needs? What balance in state-provision and self-provision makes for content citizens? How do they maintain a sense of merit, when being provided with equal chances can make earning shift to just receiving?  In search for the optimal division, we present a design for debate, a future scenario where high life standards and governmental influence have developed to an extreme.

This project exists out of a research report, a future scenario setting executed in writing and products, public discussion sessions

collaboration between Lisa Hu and Stefania Vulpi, 2012

Future scenario setting

Future scenario setting

Critical design: state-provdided products.E.g. the Passive Toothbrush: this tool illustrates how the State Care Helper can brush someone else's teeth, a two-handed action on a seated citizen.

Critical design: state-provdided products.
E.g. the Passive Toothbrush: this tool illustrates how the State Care Helper can brush someone else's teeth, a two-handed action on a seated citizen.

Public test & discussion session at municipality office Eindhoven

Public test & discussion session at municipality office Eindhoven